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Artificial Lawn Installation Guidelines

Before any work is started, plan out the area you wish to cover. Check to ensure that any cables or water pipes are below the digging depth.

Using a turf cutter, remove the turf and approx 20mm of soil and compact the area.

Install an edging system where there are no perimeters to butt the product up to. We recommend Everedge and you can buy direct from the head office. Everedge is used to provide clean shaped edges. Once the shape is achieved, using a piece of wood and a hammer, knock the Everedge into the soil leaving approx 3cm exposed. The leveling of the ground is the key to a great looking lawn. When the turf has been lifted and compacted it should leave the area fairly level. Remove any large stones or bricks etc. Apply 5mm - 1mm Granite (or sharp sand if fine granite is not available) at one end of the area and using a straight piece of timber drag back the granite / sand to provide a level smooth area (if using sand this should not be more than 20mm thick). If there are areas that require more than 20mm of sand, use hardcore first then add sand to level the imperfection.

When the base is compact and ready for the surface, unroll the geotex weed membrane to the area. This helps prevent weed growth but allows water to drain through. It is a good idea to nail the geotex into place as you unroll it to stop wind from lifting it or moving when the grass is rolled over. Trim any waste from the edges and if a join of geotex is required, overlap each edge and gaffa tape down the join.

Unroll the artificial grass over the area taking care not to move the geotex. It is a good idea to start unrolling from the straightest end first as this will help position the grass and require less adjustment. Once the artificial grass is in the correct position, trim the grass to the desired shape. This is made easier if Everedge is fitted as it gives you an edge to run your knife around. Always use sharp blades and change the blade every 3-5 metres.

If a join is required, butt both surfaces together ensuring the pile is running in the same direction. Fold back each side approx 30-40cm along the length of the join. Trim approx 20-30mm from each edge cutting between tufts. Unroll the join tape shiny side down along the join line ensuring equal tape on each side. Apply the adhesive along each edge of the artificial grass backing of the surface in 2 lines (approx 10mm and 40mm into the back). Fold over one side of the artificial grass onto the join tape. Then start to fold over the second side carefully ensuring no tufts of grass are crushed under the join and keep the join tight. Once complete, it is a good idea to lay planks along the join and weigh down with bags of sand for example.

Once the adhesive has cured (2-3 hours), kiln dry sand can be applied to the artificial grass. This can be done with a lawn fertilizer spreader. LawnsRus Supreme requires 6 kg's p/sqm and LawnsRus Standard and LawnsRus Premium requires around 20-25 kg p/sqm. Please confirm with us the amount required when you order. Sand dressing should be completed on the same day as the lawn installation and on a dry day